The Venue in Freeport: Photos

Posted on May 6, 2011


The entrance to Freeport, Texas

Downtown Freeport on a Saturday in front of, what used to be, the town's only drugstore

Many buildings in Freeport have stood abandoned since the early '60s

The old Freeport National Bank is now used for storage and office space

Most of Freeport's "nightlife scene" consists of dirty old bars and gambling halls where people play for food stamps and coupons

Built in 1940, the Ora Theater was once the Freeport's only movie house.

Gary "Buddy" Barnett stands in front of his newly renovated bar at the Ora Theater

This American flag was brought back from Iraq by Gary's son, who was deployed just last year

Gary talks with a local about how to fix the fountain in the Venue's backyard, where he plans to have barbecues in the summertime

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